Conference program: List of presentations (links for presentation slides or posters).
Please note: PDF documents, some files are large (several Mb):
Session 1:
Session 2
- Constantina Vlachou-Mogire et al., Historic Royal Palaces (UK):
Tudor tapestries environmental protection project: when risk mapping and analysis informs innovative mitigation measures (in pdf)
Joseph Grau-Bové et al., UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage (UK):
Simulation of visitor-induced dust deposition in Hampton Court palace
Ludmila Mašková et al., (presented by Jiří Smolík), Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS (Cz):
Behaviour of indoor coarse particles in the Baroque Library Hall, Prague (in pdf)
Allyson Smith et al., Trinity College Dublin (Ireland):
Patterns of soiling in the Old Library, Trinity College Dublin (in pdf)
Alison Lister et al., Textile Conservation Limited (UK):
A Preliminary Investigation into the Environmental Conditions in Coventry Cathedral Associated with the Preservation of the 'Christ in Glory' Tapestry
M. Strojecki et al., Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland):
Particle deposition and sources in the indoor environment of historic churches (in pdf)
Derek Brain, Birmingham Museums Trust (UK):
Engaging with demolition and construction companies whose activities threaten your museum collection (in pdf)
Session 3
Jean Tetreault et al., Canadian Conservation Institute (Canada):
Evaluation of moisture sorbents and guidelines for optimizing their use.
James Crawford, University of Warwick (Department of Physics), (UK):
Evaluating & increasing the airtightness of passive display cases with sorbent compartments: a collaboration between academia & industry.
Willemien Anaf et al., Museum of Fine Arts, Brussels (Belgium):
A promising monitoring kit to evaluate air aggressiveness (in pdf)
Johanna Diehl et al., Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna (Austria):
Preventive conservation strategies in the reopened collection of the Kunstkammer of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna: Theory versus Practice (in pdf)
Helen Ganiaris et al., Museum of London, ClickNetherfield (UK):
Hazing on display case glass: a review and progress on removal and prevention (in pdf)
Mark Ormsby, National Archives and Records Administration (USA):
Experiments with reducing energy usage at the National Archives and Records Administration (in pdf)
Rukshala Anton et al., Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB) (France):
Monitoring beacon for early or hidden fungal development detection dedicated to heritage conservation (in pdf)
Naomi Luxford et al., English Heritage (UK):
Inherent pollution risk: Darwin daguerreotypes and their travelling cases (in pdf)
Christian Baars et al., National Museum Cardiff (UK):
Corrosion of specimens and equipment in a Mineral Store (in pdf)
Ciarán Lavelle et al., Birmingham Museums Trust (UK):
A Study of the Environmental Conditions in Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery's Civic Silver Store
- Anne-Laurence Dupont et al., Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation des Collections - Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Presented by Jean Tétreault, Canadian Conservation Institute):
Degradation of paper under adverse environmental conditions: modelling considerations and calibration with experimental data
Marianne Odlyha, et al., Birkbeck College, University of London (UK):
Effectiveness of damage assessment and novel nano-particle based conservation treatment of collagen bases artefacts, in particular leather
Jürgen Frick, Materials Testing Institute, University of Stuttgart (Germany):
Impact of Visitor Traffic on the Indoor Environment of the Church St. Georg at the UNESCO World Heritage site Monastic Island of Reichenau in Germany (in pdf)
Sarah Hunt et al., University College London (UK):
Environmental Monitoring of the Mary Rose Museum (in pdf)
Tomoko Kotajima et al., National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo (Japan):
Changing gas concentration in a display case using low emission materials (in pdf)
Tomoko Kotajima et al., National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo (Japan):
Gas emissions and sugar compositions of different wood species of plywood used in museums (in pdf)
Ludmila Mašková et al., Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS (Cz):
Ammonia in archives (in pdf)
Abby Moore et al., Museum of London (UK):
The Use of Solid-Phase Microextraction Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (SPME-GC/MS) for analysis of plastic materials in historic collections: A case study of handbags in the Museum of London (in pdf)
Morten Ryhl-Svendsen et al., CATS - Centre for Art Technological Studies and Conservation (Denmark):
Lead white blackening on graphic art (in pdf)
Tomasz Sawoszczuk et al., Cracow University of Economics, Department of Microbiology (Poland):
Detection of active moulds on historical objects by means of the HS-SPME GC-MS method (in pdf)
Alexandra Schieweck and Juana Künne, Fraunhofer WKI, Braunschweig (Germany):
Practical Implementation of Preventive Conservation Strategies during Museum Construction Projects
Yun Liu et al., UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage, University College London (UK):
Modelling collections and their environments (in pdf)