Title of Project : Microclimate Indoor Monitoring in Cultural Heritage Preservation

Funded by the European Commission Environment Programme
Area 4.2 "Protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage"
of the Key Action "The City of tomorrow and Cultural Heritage"

Assessment of damage to indoor cultural heritage, in particular by pollutants, is a major and growing concern for curators and conservators. Our aim is to provide early warning systems both to assess damage and estimate threshold values at which it occurs, initially in environments where air quality and microclimatic anomalies have been characterised. Damage dosimeters (paint-based) have been developed and the novel contribution in this project is their further calibration, using known and varying levels of pollutants, and then extension of their capabilities to provide rapid in house evaluation procedures using piezoelectric quartz crystal technology. Preventive conservation practice, where this is not already in place, will be introduced to sites which are heavily visited and which are repositories of our cultural heritage. These will include Northern and Southern European locations with different levels of environmental control and where problems have already been recognised.

Responsible EC Officer: Johanna Leissner
Cultural Heritage Damage Assessment and Conservation Strategies
e-mail : johanna.leissner@cec.eu.int
Tel +32 2 29 54957