Oral presentation
The use of copper and silver plated piezo electric crystals to
assess indoor air quality
H.A. Ankersmit 1, S. Watts 2, V. Costa 3
1) Department, Netherlands Institute for
Cultural Heritage (ICN), the Netherlands.
2) School of Biological and
Molecular Sciences, Oxford Brookes University (OBU), UK
3) Cercle des
Partenaires du Patrimoine, Laboratoire de Recherche des Monuments Historiques
(CPP), France
An early warning system for light damage in museums and
M. Bacci 1, C. Cuccia 1, S. Gerlach 2, H. Roemich 2,
A.-L. Dupont 3, B. Lavedrine 3 and G. Martin 4
1) Istituto di Fisica Applicata "Nello Carrara"-(IFAC), Firenze
2) Fraunhofer- Institut für Silicatforschung, Wertheim
4) Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Pay Attention to Books' Deadly Dust Relationship of Lung
Cancer and Heart Attack to Library Books' Dust
By Hassan Bolourchi
Ph. D.
Library Dust Consulting,
Birmingham. USA
Monotoring of Air Infiltration in Museums Case study: The
National Museum of Fine Arts, Stockholm
CarlAxel Boman 1, Jan
Holmberg 2, Hans Stymne 3
1) Pentiaq AB,
Cavle, Sweden.
2) The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
3) University of Gavle, Sweden
Mitigation of the effects of pollutant gases on susceptible
Susan Bradley
of Conservation Science and Analytical Chemistry, Department of Conservation,
Documentation and Science, The British Museum, Great Russell Street, London
Acoustic emission monitoring to study environmental fatigue
in wooden objects
L. Bratasz and S. Jakiela
Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy
of Sciences, Cracow, Poland
Nitrogen oxides and material damage indoors
Peter Brimblecombe , Derek Bowden and Michele Raychaudhuri
University of East Anglia
From IAP to IAQ, an evaluation of six years of getting
Agnes W. Brokerhof et al.
Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage (ICN), Amsterdam, The
Final report on comparing pollution levels in air tight and
ventilated cases at the Museum of London and a progress report on leak detection
and air exchange measurements in practice
Andrew Calver, Andy
Museum of London
Preserving sacred space: A microclimate study of the Shrine
of the Bab, a Baha'i holy site.
Blake Campbell & Patrick Ravines
Bahá’í World Centre, Conservation
Office, Haifa, Israel
Friendly Heating: building microclimate in churches and
around pews.
Dario Camuffo, Emanuela Pagan, Antonella Maraner
CNR, ISAC, Padova, Italy
Impact of daily and seasonal Temperature and Relative
Humidity cycles on wooden artworks.
Dario Camuffo, Emanuela Pagan
CNR, ISAC, Padova, Italy
Assessment of the environmental impact on natural resins by
a combination of FT-RAMAN and QCM impedance analysis
Cavicchioli and Dalva L.A. de Faria,
Instituto de Química, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Impact assessement on organic materials in selected
European museums
Elin Dahlin 1, Terje Grøntoft 1, Mihalis Lazaridis
2, Joel Taylor 3, David Howell 4, Nigel Blades 3, Thodoros Glytsos 2 and Jan
Henriksen 1
1) Norwegian Institute for
Air Research, P.O. Box 100, NO-2027 Kjeller, Norway.
2) Technical University
of Crete, Polytechneiopolis, EL-73100 Chania, Greece
3) University College
London, Centre for Sustainable Heritage, The Barlett School of Graduate Studies,
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK.
4) Historic Royal Palaces, Hampton Court
Palace, Surrey KT8 9AU,UK
Ozone measurements inside the National Gallery of Marche
(Urbino, Italy) and source assessment.
De Nuntiis P. 1, Geniali A.
2, Lattanzi C. 1, Maione M. 2, Mangani F. 2, Mandrioli P. 3
1) Faculty of Environmental Sciences. University of
2) Inst. of Chemical Sciences. University of Urbino.
3) Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, National Research
Council (CNR-ISAC). 40129 Bologna (Italy).
Diffusive sampling as a tool for monitoring nitric acid in
a museum
Franco De Santis, Raffaella Bellagotti, Francesca Vichi,
Donatella Zona, Ivo Allegrini
Istituto Inquinamento Atmosferico, Area della Ricerca di Roma
Study to protect michelangelo’s david from HVAC system air
Livio de Santoli, Matteo Mariotti
Centro Ricerche CITERA Università La Sapienza, Roma
Influence of 2003 heatwave on silver tarnishing
Michel Dubus
Centre de
Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France
The Relevance of the NOAEL concept and related parameters
in defining pollution thresholds for cultural heritage collections.
Jens Glastrup, National Museum of Denmark,
Dept. of Conservation, Denmark
A novel assessment of organic and inorganic atmospheric
pollutants in museums: A case study of Rubens House in Antwerp, Belgium.
Ricardo Henrique Moreton Godoi 1, Ana Flavia Locateli Godoi 1,
Marianne Stranger 1, Sanja Potgieter-Vermaak 1, Ralf Kaegi 2, Claudio Cocheo 3,
Diego Pagani 3, Franco Quaglio 3, Paolo Sacco 3, Michel Belleil 4 and René Van
Grieken 1.
1) Department of Chemistry,
University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Antwerp, Belgium
EMPA, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research,
Überlandstrasse 129, CH-8600 Dubendorf, Switzerland
3) Fondazione Salvatore
Maugeri, Clinica del Lavoro e della Riabilitazione I.R.C.C.S. Centro di Ricerche
Ambientali, Padova - Italy
4) Renishaw, Champs-sur-Marne 77437, Marne la
Vallée, France
Improving the storage conditions for composite historical
objects: do oxygen-free conditions keep their promise?"
Griesser, Monica Kurzel-Runtscheiner, Marianne Novotny
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Conservation Science Department and
Museum of Carriages/ Department of Court Uniforms, Vienna Johannes Bergmair
Austrian Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology
The effects of air purification at the National Archives on
the quality of durable storage of their paper based collection.
Havermans 1, Ted Steemers 2, Eric Cornelissen 1, Hadeel Abdul Aziz 1
1) The Netherlands Organization for Applied
Scientific Research. Building and Construction Research, department Healthy
buildings and systems.
2) National Archives, The Hague, The Netherlands
Allowable thresholds in dynamic changes of microclimate for
wooden cultural objects
Slawomir Jakiela, Roman Kozlowski and Lukasz
Institute of Catalysis and
Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland
Aesthetics and acceptability of indoor dust
*Katy Lithgow 1, Peter Brimblecombe 2, Sophie Julien-Lees 3, Helen
Lloyd, David Thickett 4
1) National
2) University of East Anglia
3) Historic Royal Palaces
English Heritage
Assessing Roles in Cleaning Historic Interiors
Helen Lloyd 1, Peter Brimblecombe 2, Sophie Julien-Lees 3, Katy
Lithgow 1
1) National Trust
University of East Anglia
3) Historic Royal Palaces
In-situ Damage Assessment of Micro-climates for Cultural
Heritage Preservation
M.Odlyha 1, Q.Wang 1, N.Wade 1, R.Campana 1,
J.M.Slater 1, K.Pratt 2, M.Rhyl Svendsen 3, T.Padfield 3, F De Santis 4, V.Smith
5, L.Bullock 6, E.Ferreiragand 7, J.J.Boong 7
1) School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Birkbeck College,
University of London, Malet St.,Bloomsbury London WCIE 7HX, United Kingdom
2) UCL Chemistry Dept. 20, London
3) National Museum of Denmark
Conservation Dept., Denmark
4) CNR-IIA Area della Ricerca di Roma, Italy
5) Alcazar,Segovia,Spain
6) The National Trust for Places of Historic
Interest or Natural Beauty, London, United Kingdom
7) FOM Institute AMOLF
Molecular Painting Research GroupAmsterdam, Netherlands.
Effects of Friendly Heating system on human thermal comfort
in the church.
Sirkka Rissanen and Friendly Heating research group.
Oulu Regional Institute of Occupational
Health Oulu, Finland
Reactivity Monitoring in Italy's Cultural Heritage Sites
Evandro Sacchi 1, Chris Muller 2
1) Politecnico di Milano 2) Purafil, Inc.
Indoor air humidity of monumental buildings and
hygrothermal surface conditions
Henk L. Schellen, Dionne Neilen, Jos
(A.)W.M. van Schijndel, Marcel A.P. van Aarle
Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
Hot air church heating and damage to the monumental
interior, e.g. the monumental organ
Henk L. Schellen, Jos (A.)W.M. van
Schijndel, Marcel A.P. van Aarle
Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
Influence of different types of heating system on
particulate and gaseous pollutant deposition: the case of churches situated in
cold climate
Z. Spolnik 1, A. Worobiec 1, L. Bencs 2, L. Samek 3, V.
Kontozova1, R. Van Grieken 1
Department of Chemistry, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
2) Research
Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Budapest, Hungary
3) University of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow, Poland
Preservation based on a risk management approach: an
application for the control of pollutants in museums.
Jean Tétreault
Senior Conservation Scientist/Acting
Manager of the Preventive Conservation Section Canadian Conservation Institute,
Chloride, Dust and RH, Risks in Coastal and Inland Areas
David Thickett
Conservation Scientist Collections Management Team English Heritage
A comparison of diffusion tube determinations of formic and
acetic acid concentrations in air
Maarten van Bommel 1, Lorraine
Gibson 2, Simon Watts 3, Velichka Kontozova 4 and David Thickett 5
1) ICN
2) University of Strathclyde
Oxford Brooks University
4) University of Antwerp
5) British Museum,
currently English Heritage
Accumulation and cementation of dust indoors
Young Hun Yoon 1, Peter Brimblecombe 1, Kate Frame 2, David Howell
2, Barry Knight 3, Helen Lloyd 4, David Thickett 5
1) University of East Anglia
2) Historic Royal
3) British Library
4) National Trust
5) English Heritage